Core Knowledge Curriculum
Grace Valley Christian Academy has been using the nationally recognized Core Knowledge Sequence as the foundation of its curriculum since 1998. The Sequence is a detailed outline of specific content to be taught in language arts, history, geography, mathematics, science, and the fine arts. Much more than a list of facts to be memorized, the Sequence provides a solid foundation on which to build knowledge. Because it serves as a guide to coherent and specific content from grade to grade, the Core Knowledge Sequence encourages steady academic progress as children build their knowledge and skills from year to year.
One of the many strengths of the Core Knowledge Sequence is that teachers across all grade levels are using a common and progressive system of instruction. In addition, it provides plenty of room for complimentary subjects, including Spanish and P.E. GVCA’s experienced and talented faculty also teach a rich variety of middle school courses including Bible classes, art, health, home economics, and robotics.
The Core Knowledge Sequence also encourages a variety of instructional methods and material, often created by the teachers themselves. While the Sequence creates a framework and establishes a minimum, the teachers remain free to go into further depth and use creative methods for effective teaching. Accordingly, teachers can customize their instruction to meet the specific needs and interests of their students.
GVCA gives careful attention to the curriculum standards established by the State of California, and makes every effort to exceed these requirements. GVCA students consistently achieve top scores on nationally recognized standardized tests and excel in high school and beyond.
Helpful Links
Visit the Core Knowledge Foundation for more information.
View the Core Knowledge Sequence curriculum.