Grace Valley high school students take advanced high school courses while also fulfilling UC general education requirements through community college courses. This accelerated program allows students to graduate from high school one year early, having already completed a year or more of college credit.
Our students are mentored by high school and college faculty members so that they can be successful in Calculus and university-level physical and biological sciences. Students receive a strong foundation in classical literature, and training in clear, concise, and logical writing across all disciplines. Our social studies curriculum includes U.S History, World History, and Economics, all of which are taught from a traditional perspective.
Our well-rounded program includes many other courses such as Physical Education, Speech, Career Exploration, Bible classes, and more. Students may also participate in music performances and drama productions, and benefit from extensive college and career counseling and workshops. Our flexible program also allows our students to experience interactive learning on field trips, which have included a performance of Handel’s Messiah at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, a week-long Freedom Tour in Boston, and a trip to Washington, D.C., to tour our nation’s capitol.
Most importantly, our students benefit from our Christian discipleship program. High school students are taught to be more than well-educated; they are trained to be well-educated Christians–young people committed to seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Matthew 6:33).